Our October Prayer Letter
Dear friends and well-wishers,
Greetings from the busy campus of the Evangelical College of Theology! People often asked me how we are managing our Bible College during this time of pandemic. Of course they are aware that we are taking classes online and I guess, they are curious as to how we are managing with the online classes. One thing about our College is that so far we are following our original academic calendar that we have prepared last year and that is because of our timely hectic preparation for online classes during our summer break.
And how’s it going? So far so good, and glory be unto God!
However, with the government easing down the Lockdown SOP, we have started normal classes from the beginning of October. Students from distant places are encouraged to come and stay in the hostel. Though there are a few who have to opt for distant learning because of certain reasons, more than half of the students are now attending the classes every day. The campus that once was quiet and deserted, except for a few staff preparing for their online classes, is now full of life and activities as the students started coming for classes. Another excitement for the students is their annual sports which will take place during October 22-23, 2020. They are strictly informed to abide by the SOP guidelines and also limit their sports activities within the campus only. Let us pray for their safety from the pandemic.
Those students who are not in a position to attend classes are permitted to continue through distant learning. Class lectures and study materials are sent to them and the faculty members will monitor them in a way that is convenient for them and the particular students. We are also making arrangements for exam centers for such students and we are contacting pastors and church leaders to arrange exams on our behalf. The final examinations is usually held during the last week of November. We need wisdom from above to wisely navigate through all these complicate situations. Prayers will be much appreciated.
The recent amendment of the FCRA regulations by the government of India has made receiving of foreign donations by churches and NGOs in India a more complicated matter. There is no doubt our God is in full control and perhaps, God is trying to teach those of us in India, to rely more on Him than on the foreign dollars. We are yet to see its impact on churches and NGOs across the land of India. Let us make this a matter of prayer!
Rev. Letkhogin Haokip, our senior Lecturer who is currently at United Theological College, Bangalore working on his Th. D. studies since the beginning of August wrote to me, thanking those involved in helping him to begin his studies. He arrived there on 7th August 2020 and was isolated in quarantine for 14 days as per government regulations. Now he is busy writing his Assessment papers that is to be completed within two semesters. The first semester is almost gone without much progress due to Covid-19 pandemic and he hopes to be making better progress in the next semester. He covets our prayers for his studies and for the safety of his family at home. He also faces technical issues with his laptop and is in great need of a new one. Let us pray for his needs!
A new kitchen building continues to be our biggest need and we request all all friends and well-wishers to be in earnest prayer.
We are thankful to all of you for your prayers and financial supports and may God continue to bless and prosper each one of you!