Our Degrees

Training Leaders to Lead Others

Academic Programs: 

Evangelical College of Theology exists to train and mold men and women who have responded to God’s call and be a part of the group given to the building and expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. It seeks to raise and inculcate servant-leadership qualities in such people and prepare them for the task God has called them.

The following Academic Courses are offered and they are accredited by the Asia Theological Association:

Master of Divinity:  The program granting M.Div. degree is designed primarily to qualify the graduates to function as principal leaders to serve in the capacities of pastors in the churches, executive heads of denominations and missions organizations and also as missionaries, teachers and evangelists. As a graduate level program, students are to develop and demonstrate critical thinking and communication skills. 

Entrance requirements are 2 years for B. Th. with B Grade and above from ATA accredited Seminary, and 3 years for secular graduates from a recognized university.

Bachelor of Theology:  This program is designed for students who have completed their Higher Secondary courses (class XII) or those who have complete their Dip. Th. after completing their 10th standard. A student who graduated from this program will qualify to serve as principal leaders such as pastors, denominational executive heads, missionaries, teachers, and evangelists. 

Diploma in Theology:  This course is equivalent to Higher Secondary course or 11th and 12th class. It is a 2 years program and only HSLC passed candidates are eligible to apply.

Master of Theology (Mission): This is a two-year post graduate research degree program that was started from 2018. Graduates with B.D./M.Div. from accredited seminaries and having at least one year practical ministry experience are eligible to apply. The program is associated under Martin Luther Christian University. 

Medium of Instruction:

English is the medium of instruction and communication. Therefore, the candidate must have a working knowledge of English language.