On Doctoral Study Leave

Rev. Letkhogin Haokip M.A., B.D., M. Th.
In our effort to develop our M. Th. (Missiology) program, Rev. Letkhogin Haokip, Registrar and one of our Senior Lecturers has been granted study leave to pursue his Doctoral study at United Theological College in Bangalore. Rev. Letkhogin joined our faculty in 2011 and he has been serving as head of our Mission Department. He has been holding the post of Registrar also for the last three years. Rev. Letkhogin has his B. D. and M. Th. (Missions) and is now currently pursuing his Ph. D. in Missiology at UTC, Bangalore. He is married to Mrs. Tingcha and they are blessed with four children. Let us pray that God would enable him to complete his studies.
We are thankful to Rev. Ted Rathman and the GMC leadership team of the EC Church in the US for their partnership in this faculty development program.