
Dear students,

It is mandatory for us to collect feedbacks of our Lecturers from the students. You are therefore requested to submit one feedback form for each teacher that taught you in your class. The following is a list of the Lecturers, just click the name that you want to give a feedback and a Google Feedback Form will open. You will be required to sign in with your ECT.EDU.IN email in order to fill up the feedback form. If you have forgotten your email ID or password, feel free to let me know. Please fill up the form honestly.

Rev. Khaihao Mate

Rev. Gouminlun Gangte

Mr. Sehjalen Singson

Rev. Edgar Vaiphei

Mr. Lunminthang

Miss Angela Lamneibiak

Mrs. Mawite Singson

Mrs. Redeem Lalremsang

Mr. Ginlalgen Gangte

Mr. Cavin Vaiphei

Mary Jone Varte