Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord!

Rev. Dr. Lalrosiem Songate M.A., B.D., Th. M., Ph. D.
The Evangelical College of Theology is committed to training and nurturing future Christian leaders that will serve as pastors, missionaries, teachers, etc. It is always encouraging to see our graduates serving in various capacities of Christian leadership in India and the neighboring countries of Burma, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Many of our graduates are serving as missionaries not only in north east India but also across the mainland of India, the neighboring countries and also in far east Asian countries such as Cambodia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.
Our student community represent various Christian denominations around the region and we consider it a privilege to serve the Christian community in general by providing leaders to the churches. We are also thankful for the trust and confidence placed upon us and we will always strive to continue to provide Christian leaders well-grounded on the evangelical faith and committed to the building of God’s kingdom.
Our accredited Dip. Th., B.Th. and M. Div. degrees are designed to establish the students in the evangelical faith and geared towards mission. Apart from the academic aspect of theological education, our programs are also oriented in such a way that will deepen the student’s commitment, enrich their spiritual experiences and focus on their calling.
We have limited number of scholarship, both full and partial, that will enable needy students to pursue their theological education. For questions concerning Admissions and Application Forms, please contact the Registrar, Rev. Letkhogin Haokip at and for questions related to academic matters, please contact Rev. Dr. T. Jamkhothang Haokip, Vice Principal/Academic at +91-8731979638. For all queries, please write to us at and we will do our best to respond as soon as we can.
Rev. Dr. Lalrosiem Songate